Aesthetic Surgery

Aesthetic surgery can fulfil a long-held desire for a natural and harmonious appearance by means of an appropriate procedure.

Reconstructive-plastic surgery

Reconstructive surgery includes scar corrections, restorations of the nose and ear, and breast reconstructions.

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetics

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetics supplements our range of surgical options with a series of aesthetic, non-invasive treatments and therapies.


Modern, scientifically founded skin care.

See the new you in 3D!

In just a few seconds, your 3D simulated images will be generated.
You can then decide with your surgeon what suits you best, and make changes.

More (Informations in German)
Simulation 3D Crisalix (Informations in German)

Our services

Breast enlargement

These days, many women fulfil their wish for larger, fuller breasts. The reasons for this are many and varied; in many cases, breasts that are naturally not well formed or with different shapes do not conform to a woman’s bodily ideal.

Most women want a moderate, natural-looking breast enlargement of 1 to 2 cup sizes.


Deposits of fat build up in specific parts of the body whose cause is genetically determined and which are hard to break down by dieting and doing sport.

The typical places are located on the outside and inside of the thighs, on the stomach and on the sides («love handles»).

Brow lift

Depending on personal predisposition and increasingly with age, the following unwanted changes may occur in the upper half of the face: pronounced horizontal frown lines, drooping eyebrows with more noticeable lines on the upper eyelids, deep anger lines and laugh lines around the eyes in the temple area (crow’s feet).

Breast lift (mastopexy

A breast lift is considered by women whose breasts have lost elasticity and tone over the years and now “droop”.

The natural ageing process is assisted by pregnancy and weight loss, while a predisposition towards flabby skin also plays a role.

Welcome to the Klinik im Spiegel, your Clinic for aesthetic plastic surgery and hand surgery

A clinic without hospital atmosphere
Located in a carefully restored Jugendstil villa in Berne, the clinic offers its patients a unique blend of old world charm and traditional values, combined with modern conveniences and the most up-to-date technology available.

Our team of doctors

Dr. med. Andreas Tschopp
Dr. med. Hyunju Kim Haemmig
Prof. Dr. Daniel F. Kalbermatten